Rear uprights

The original “kit” came with uprights spec’d for Granada rear hubs, bearings etc. Now I did manage to get hold of some but for a number of reasons ended up selling them on again. The main reason being I decided to use more modern kit. Specifically Audi from a mix of models.

Bearings IIRC were A6 front bearings but also as fitted to the R8

Hubs are A8 but also same as fitted to the Lamborghini Gallardo LP560/LP550 as well as Audi R8…

Seen here in comparison to the Granada ones (that’s an A6 driveshaft and Granada stub shaft btw).

Inner and outer CV’s are S4. Pictured like this to confirm clearance with the mounting bolts

The Audi hubs of course did not line up. It was close but just not close enough.

Bolts are tight on the inside but just about fit

First things first, put some steel into the lathe and make up some spacers. Spacers rather than bore out the upright for one main reason,  because the disk clashes with the upright otherwise. smiley

Then it’s just a case of welding up the original holes, grind it flat again (the inside was a bitch to do).

Then weld on the spacer plate and drill out the holes.